Radiolucent Zelpi Retractor Set

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Life Instruments’ Radiolucent Zelpis are not visible on Xray and provide excellent retraction for Lumbar Spine procedures. They have been particularly helpful during A/P intraoperative imaging, allowing surgeons to see critical anatomy without interference. Avoiding manipulation, removal, and replacement of our retractors has allowed surgeons to experience less radiation exposure and shorter operative times.The Radiolucent Zelpis also provide excellent exposure and retraction in Anterior Hip Approach surgeries.

Product ModelProduct AngleProduct SizeQuantityAdd to Cart
641-1220-2-LALeft Arm2" depth
641-1220-2-RARight Arm2" depth
641-1230-2-LALeft Arm3" depth
641-1230-2-RARight Arm3" depth
641-1240-2-LALeft Arm4" depth
641-1240-2-RARight Arm4" depth
641-1250-2-LALeft Arm5" depth
641-1250-2-RARight Arm5" depth
641-0000-TTray (only)
641-1230-2-H2 Handles (only)
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